Monday, August 24, 2009

Steve & Mónica Duet "Almost here"

A few months back, I had the chance to share my voice with a fantastic singer , my dear friend Steve. It was certainly a bit of a change in style from all my previous songs.... and I have to say that I simply loved it! I enjoyed so much working with you Steve, thanks for this opportunity, and for letting me hear myself with a different set of ears ! Let's hope we can do it again very very soon ! :)
If you want to hear more from Steve, you can visit him at :

Sunday, August 23, 2009

De regreso, al fin!

Hello my dear friends! After a long absence, here I am again. I want to thank you all so very much for your comments on my songs during this time. And also and specially for your support, many of you know it's been a bit of a rocky ride for me lately, and you don't know how much your words have meant for me. Gracias a todos, amigos!
But anyway, I hope that now I can do a bit more with this blog, and this is yet another experiment , to see if I can finally post my songs individually, and offer some more information about the original singers, other versions and any other thing that happens to cross my mind at the time ! ;)