"Come away with me and I will write you a song ...
Come away with me and we'll kiss on a mountain top...
Come away with me and I'll never stop loving you...
So all I ask is .... for you to come away with me in the night"
This Norah Jones' song is really beautiful. Well, at least to me it is. And I never thought I would dare to do a cover with my voice, but you know... well, nothing is impossible, never say never , etc hehe... :)
I sang this very late , on a quite night, when I just felt sort of inspired to do it. In some parts I am almost whispering. But isn't it funny how sometimes we hear a song and we know we just have to sing it, right there and then. So here it is! Please feel free to leave me feedback.
Lately I am feeling more "adventurous" to try different styles , many of my all time favourite songs, very special ones, that I never thought I would do... and they will be coming to this site, little by little. It makes me very happy and I have to say, I have had a lot of support to challenge myself and to even discover new "voices" in me, like it happened here with this song. So to my dear "supporter" friend hehe ... an infinite "thank you" and many kisses and hugs!! ;)
How pretty you're singing!
(I can't hear very well, on Christeen's laptop's speakers, but well enough! LOL.I I love this song of Norah's, too. mwac!
We're in Portland tonight. It's so nice! The weather is good, the air is clear, our room has a view of the Willamette River... we're going to like it here! (3 days here.)
I've just realized that I forgot to bring the adapter that would allow this laptop to load my camera's pics! Oh no! Haha, there won't be any pictures until after we get home. Oh well... Maybe it's better that way...
See ya! Hugs. ---Howard
Hermosa interpretaciòn Moni.Los susurros tambièn son mùsica y acompañan,como las almas se buscan para refugiarse en una melodìa y en un abrazo.
Howard, so glad you came to listen, even when you are on holidays! (^_^)
And so happy you like this Norah's song too, wow :) But it is really charming, isn't it? I love the lyrics... and I decided to give it a go, even if a different style from my usual ones hehe
Hmm nice views of the river, mountains, peace and quietness... I want some of that too! LOL
Take lots of pictures to share with us when you come back home, please!
Muchas gracias mi queridísimo Beto... tus palabras son muy bellas, y también muy ciertas. Cuando la música sale del alma, es capaz de llegar a rincones insospechados.
Muchos besos y un abrazo gigante!
Ach! I was here in September.
I guess Iwas a little distracted, LOL.
I had to do a little "hacking" (just reading your source code) to find the mp3 file. You won't mind if I post it here, wiil you?
que cancion cantas aqui!! y con que sentimiento!! Mikkaaaaa!!:D:D y no sabes cuánto me gusta esta canción...y en tu voz... wooowww!! la haces especial :-o Felicidades Moni, eres maravillosa TQM TYD NGT todooo!! :D:D:D
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