You all know how I love singing The Carpenters, hehe, nothing knew so far. But now I have a very special guest dueting here with me and isn't he fantastic! His warm rich voice and his magistral whistling makes this recordings so very special .
So to my dear Mike ..... a million thanks my friend, for making this possible :))))
The mixing its all his, by the way, and more coming soon !
If you want to listen more of his singing, you can visit him at :
¡¡¡ Excellent version Monica and Mike !!!
Muchas gracias Beto, Mike sin duda le da un toque muy especial a los Carpenters, no he oido a nadie que silbe asi :)
Que alegria verte por aqui, amigo! Ya estuve siguiendo tus hazañas en tierras lejanas, toda una experiencia eh? Un abrazo muy fuerte!
Hey! Mike is here with you. (^_^)
He's got a wide range, doesn't he!
I mean, vocally. He can get way down deep (where I sing), but he can also get several octaves above my top range. And he sounds good in all ranges! I'm quite envious of his singing voice. (Not to mention his whistling artistry.)
Well, you already know, Mimita, that I love your singing voice. LOL. But... you say you may whistle us a tune some day soon?
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. waiting .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (^_^)
Hey Howie... 5 days....
I was wondering how long it would take you to find us here...
So you like it then. I am happy.
And thank you for such a nice comment about my vocal abilities. Not sure I deserve it though.
And I agree with you Howard!! Moni... you got to whistle now... and when we say now, we mean NOW!!
Hi, Mike-nonymous.
You know, I actually get a notification of any activity on Moni's blog when I log into hotmail. Perhaps I had become too used to not seeing anything, and I sailed right past that page for 4 days.
But Mike, you do sing wonderfully!
Have you not been listening to yourself? (^_^)
Glad to hear you seconding the motion to get Moni to whistle us a tune.
And Moni, you should realize that your vocal chords don't need to be in particularly good shape for whistling a song. Cough, cold, flu... you can still whistle! LOL.
Oh, but you do need a microphone, don't you.
Bravo Monica
Je t'ai découvert par hasard sur Midomi, puis sur ton blog
Belle voix aux chauds accents des iles atlantiques que je préfère en espagnol, et qui me fait un peu penser à Monica Freire (en portugais)
Tu devrais en enregistrer plus de titres en espagnol.
Je mets ton blog dans mes favoris.
J'attends avec impatience les prochains enregistrements.
translation with Google, I don't speak very good English and even less Spanish!!!!!!!!!
Monica Bravo
I've discovered you on Midomi, then on your blog.
A beautiful warm tones from Atlantic islands, but I prefer titles in Spanish, which makes me think a little to Monica Freire (Portuguese)
You should record more songs in Spanish.
I put your blog in my favorites.
I look forward to future recordings
Mike I will repeat what Howie said: hun haven't you been listening to yourself? ;) what? me? whistle? when? where? and most important...HOW? LOL
Howie Yes, I agree with you, Mike has such a wide range! You do Mike, don't even try to deny it ;)
Ah well... como le decía a nuestro amigo.. silbar? quién? yo? cuándo? dónde? y lo más importante.... cómo?
I guess you will have to wait a bit longer, but then again, I am a very hardheaded woman... so.. someday (^_^)
Laveline Oh, but thank you so much my new friend, and please excuse me for the delay in my reply. So are you a midomian too then? :) I would love to hear something from you too!
Yes, I agree with you, I should record more in Spanish, but don't you worry, I am already working on it ;) Thanks again, dear, for such beautiful words! :)
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