I guess some of you will remember that I already sang this song, with a backing track, around 3 years ago (you can find it in the dew player, on the right hand of this page, at the very top).
I used to listen to this song when I was very young. I would listen to the lyrics and wonder if someday I would be so lucky to find such deep and profound love like the one Dan Fogelberg was singing about.
And who said dreams don't come true? :):):)
What a better gift that singing this special song with him...
Guillermo and Mónica, unplugged duet
"Longer than there've been stars up in the heavens.. I've been in love with you.. I am in love with you... I'll be in love with you".
Awwww... dreams do come true!
Esta cancion es tan romantica, Móniquita. Estas letras son al mismo tiempo una historia y una promesa. Estoy feliz por ustedes dos.
Guillermo's guitar has never sounded better. (^_^)
They do Howie, they do, I can vouch for that! (^_^)
Sometimes reality can become even better than dreams, and we have to be thankful for that (I know I am).
Tienes razón, es una canción muy romántica, "al mismo tiempo una historia y una promesa" :))) I couldn't have said it better myself!
Muchas gracias Howiecillo!! (^___^) We are very happy that you got to be the first one to comment here hehehe
Muchos ADOS!
¡Enhorabuena a los dos, Mónica y Guillermo! Una balada preciosa que os ha salido niquelada, y el sonido muy limpio, pero lo mejor es el amor, la ternura y la felicidad que desprende la canción. Sin duda, unos ingredientes de primera. Me alegro mucho por vosotros y os mando un abrazo muy fuerte. :D
Ah Conchita qué sorpresota y qué alegría que nos hayas visitado! :D Muchas muchas gracias por tan lindas palabras, nos alegra mucho que te haya gustado nuestra versión de tan hermosa canción... es muy especial para los dos, y no importa cuántas veces la cantemos (y créeme que ya van unas cuantas eh? jaja) siempre lo disfrutamos :)))) Muchos besos y abrazos para tí también de nuestra parte :)))
Hi, Mimita.
I came to see if you had posted anything new recently. But awwww... the most recent is still the MASTERPIECE! LOL. It's nice to listen to you and G collaborating.
(^__^) Gracias Howie!! Yes, I know it's been such a long time since I posted something here... but soon... very soon ;o) We won't stop collaborating, I can assure you that! Adotes grandotes! (^_^)
Hey Carmen,
Great to see you're happy!
I was listening to app and thought of you!
Sander from Holland
just can't get enough of listening to your voice.awesome!!!
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